Phrasal Verbs with TAKE/ Verbos frasales con Take

Phrasal Verbs with TAKE

Verbos frasales con el verbo Take

Un verbo frasal(phrasal verb), es la combinación de un verbo y una preposición, un verbo y un adverbio, o un verbo con ambos un adverbio y un a preposición, lo cual hace que la expresión resultante tenga un significado propio, diferente al de cada palabra por individual (aunque bastante relacionada)

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Phrasal Verbs with TAKE, Verbos frasales con el verbo Take

Esta vez veremos una lista con phrasal verbs que incluyen el verbo Take(tomar)

TAKE APART (desarmar, desmantelar)
(separable) to dismantle or disassemble
Max took the engine of his car apart, but couldn't put it back together.
Max desarmó el motor de su carro, pero no pudo ponerlos juntos de nuevo

TAKE BACK (regresar, devolver)
(separable) to return
Max took the defective radio back to the store where he bought it.
Max devolvio la radio defectuosa a la tienda donde lo compro

TAKE BACK (recuperar, retractor)
(separable) to retrieve something you gave or said
I take it back. Mark isn't nearly as dumb as I said.
Me retracto, Mark no es tan tonto como dije.

TAKE DOWN (bajar (algo))
(separable) to lower
Max took his pants down so that the nurse could give him an injection.
Max bajo sus pantalones para que así la enfermera pueda darle una inyección

TAKE DOWN (desmontar)
(separable) to dismantle; disassemble; take apart
Max took down his tent and went home.
Max desmontó su tienda y se fue a casa

TAKE DOWN (bajar la autoestima)
(separable) to lower one's self-esteem
Mary's constant criticism has taken Max down considerably.
Las constants criticas de Mary han bajado la autoestima de Max considerablemente

TAKE IN (reducer en tamaño)
(separable) to reduce in size; make smaller
Max lost a lot of weight and had to have all of his pants taken in.
Max perdió mucho peso y tenía que tener todos sus pantalones reducidos de tamañó

TAKE IN (dar cobijo, hospedar, recibir como invitado)
(separable) to give shelter to; to receive as a guest, or lodger
The Smiths took John in while he was in town.
Los Smiths hospedaron a John mientras el estaba en la ciudad

TAKE IN (disfrutar de ...)
(separable) to see for enjoyment
We took in the sights in the morning and took in a movie later in the evening.
Disfrutamos la vista de los monumentos en la mañana, y (tambien) disfrutamos ver una película en la noche

TAKE OFF (partir, despegar)
(intransitive) to depart (aircraft)
When the plane takes off, you must have your seatbelt on and your seat must be in its upright position.
Cuando el avion despegue, debes tener tu cinturon de seguridad y tu asiento debe están en su posición vertical

TAKE OFF(remover, sacar)
(separable) to remove from something
I'm going to take my jacket off. It's hot in here.
Voy a quitarme la chaqueta, hace calor aqui,

TAKE ON (asumir)
(separable) undertake; assume; acquire
Max took on a lot of new responsibilities.
Max asumio muchas nuevas respnsabilidades

TAKE ON (luchar contra…)
(separable) to contend against an opponent
I think I can take on Mike Tyson.
Creo que puedo luchar contra Mike Tyson

(separable) to take someone on a date
Max took Mary out to a fancy restaurant.
Mario llevo a Mary en una cita a Un restaurant de lujo

TAKE OUT (remover, extraer, sacar)
(separable) to extract; remove
Max takes out the trash every night.
Max saca la basura cada noche

TAKE OVER (tener control de…)
(separable) to gain control of
Someday I will take over the world.
Algun dia voy a dominar el mundo

TAKE UP (seguir, interesarse en…)
(separable) to pursue; turn one's interest to
Max decided to take up golfing.
Mar se interesó en el golf

TAKE UP (consumir)
(separable) to consume or fill time or space
Homework takes up all of my time.
Las tareas consumen todo mi tiempo

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