Phrasal Verbs with Come | Verbos Frasales con Come

Phrasal Verbs with COME

Verbos frasales con come

Un verbo frasal(phrasal verb), es la combinación de un verbo y una preposición, un verbo y un adverbio, o un verbo con ambos un adverbio y un a preposición, lo cual hace que la expresión resultante tenga un significado propio, diferente al de cada palabra por individual (aunque bastante relacionada)

Artículos relacionados:
-Todos los phrasal verbs
-Verbos frasales con GET

A continuación una lista con los verbos frasales (phrasal verbs) con el verbo "to come", su equivalente en español, y una frase de ejemplo,

Phrasal Verbs with Come, Verbos Frasales con Come, verbos frasales en ingles

COME ABOUT (ocurrir)
(intransitive) to happen
How did that come about?
¿Como ocurrio aquello?

COME ACROSS (cruzarse, encontrar por casualidad)
(Inseparable) to find by chance
As Max was cleaning up his room he came across Mary's phone number.
Mientras Max estaba limpiando su habitación, el se encontró el numero Mary.

COME ALONG (aparecer)
(intransitive) to appear
Max was quite happy until Mary came along.
Max estaba bastante feliz hasta que apareció Mary.

COME ALONG (acompañar, seguir a alguien)
(intransitive) to accompany someone who takes the lead
Ralph asked me to come along on the trip, but I decided not to.
Ralph me pidio que lo acompañara en el viaje, pero decidi no hacerlo.

COME ALONG (progresar)
(intransitive) to progress
Things are coming along well at work these days.
Las cosas están progresando bien en el trabajo estos días.

COME AROUND (cambiar la opinión o posición de uno)
(intransitive) to change one’s opinion or position
After our long debate, Max finally came around to my point of view.
Después de nuestro largo debate, Max finalmente cambio a mi punto de vista

COME BACK (replicar)
(intransitive) to reply, retort
When Max criticized Mary, Mary came back with some very sharp criticism of Max.
Cuando Max criticó a Mary, Mary replico con algunas fuertes criticas de Max

COME BACK (igualar)
(intransitive) to even the score (sports)
France came back to beat England after being down 1-0 all game.

COME BACK (recordar)
(intransitive) to recall
I think I remember that story. It’s all coming back to me now.
Creo que yo recuerdo esa historia, todo esta volviendo a mi ahora (estoy recordando ahora)

COME BACK (recuperarse)
(intransitive) to be restored
I was sick and weak, but now I feel better and my strength is coming back.
Estuve enfermo y débil, pero ahora me siento mejor y mi fuerza esta recuperándose.

(intransitive) to return to a place one has been before; to return to a previous activity
Max left our office, but quickly came back after discovering he had left his keys here.
Max dejo nuestra oficina, pero rápidamente regreso después de descubrir que había dejado sus llaves.

COME BY (obtener accidentalmente)
(inseparable) to obtain (accidentally)
I’m not sure how I came by this hat, but I’ve had it for years.
No estoy seguro de como obtuve este sombrero, pero lo he tenido por años

COME BY (visitar informalmente, hechar una visita)
(intransitive) to visit informally
I was in the neighborhood so I thought I would come by to see how you were doing.
Estuve en el vecindario así que pensé en visitarte para ver que estabas haciendo

COME DOWN (enfermar, contraer)
(intransitive) to become sick
Max came down with the flu.
Max enfermó con la gripe

COME DOWN (reducer)
(intransitive) to reduce to the essential element
In politics everything really just comes down to the economy.
En política, cada cosa realmente solo reduce la economía

COME DOWN (precipitar, caer)
(intransitive) to precipitate, fall from clouds
Snow has been coming down for about 2 hours now.
La nieve ha estado cayendo por cerca de dos horas ahora.

COME DOWN (Descender)
(intransitive) to descend, fall, go down
It’s been hot all day. Finally the temperature is starting to come down a bit.
A hecho calor todo el día, finalmente la temperatura esta empezando a descender un poco

COME DOWN (criticar)
(intransitive) to criticize
Max came down on Mary for not washing the dishes after dinner.
Max criticó a Mary por no lavar los platos después de cenar

COME IN (llegar, entrar)
(intransitive) to arrive, get in
News came in that next year’s car models have just come in.
Llegaron noticias de que los modelos de coches del siguiente año acaban de entrar llegado

COME IN (llegar (en una carrera o cuncurso))
(intransitive) to place in a race or contest
Frank came in second in the Boston Marathon.
Frank llegó Segundo en la maratón de Boston

COME IN (ser recibido)
(intransitive) to be received (signal)
No matter how much Max adjusted the antenna, the radio station just didn’t come in very well.
No importa cuánto Max haya ajustado la antena, la estación de radio simplemente no fue captada bien.

COME INTO (adquirir)
(inseparable) to acquire
Mary came into a lot of money when her grandfather passed away.
Mary adquirió un montón de dinero cuando su abuelo falleció

(intransitive) to appear
George doesn’t come off as being very intelligent.

COME OFF (ocurrir de una manera particular)
(intransitive) to fare, happen in a particular manner
The meeting came off as well as could be expected.
La reunión salió tan bien como lo se esperaba

(inseparable) to have recently completed or recovered from
After coming off a nasty hip injury, Andre went on to win the US Open.

(inseparable) to advance progressively
Our soccer game ended as darkness came on.
Nuestro juego de futbol terminó mientras la oscuridad avanzaba

COME ON (aparentar)
(intransitive) to project a particular personal image
Mary comes on as a very serious person, but is actually quite fun.
Mary aparento como una persona muy seria, pero en realidad es bastante divertida

COME ON (volverse disponible)
(intransitive) to start running, become available
I wish the electricity would come on again. It’s dark in here
Me gustaría que la electricidad llegase de Nuevo, esta oscuro aquí

COME OUT (hacerse conocido, salir a la luz)
(intransitive) to become known, to come into public view, to debut
The news of the candidates past misconduct came out just before the election.
La noticia de la mala conducta de los candidatos en el pasado, salió a la luz justo antes de las elecciones)

COME OUT (resultar)
(intransitive) to turn out, result
Everything came out fine in the end
Todo salio bien al final

COME OUT (declarar una posición)
(intransitive) to declare one’s position publicly
The senator came out against gay marriage.
El senador declare en contra del matrimonio gay

COME OVER (cambiar de lado)
(intransitive) to change sides
Mary has finally come over to our way of seeing things.
Mary finalmente ha cambiado a nuestra forma de ver las cosas

COME OVER (visitar casualmente)
(intransitive) to visit casually
Max and Mary are coming over to watch football tonight.
Max y Mary vendrán a ver el futbol esta noche

COME THROUGH (hacer lo que se esperaba)
(intransitive) to do what is expected or required
I really needed to get tickets to the show and Max, my buddy, came through for me and got me a pair.

COME THROUGH (comunicar, hacerse notar)
(intransitive) to be communicated
Mary's displeasure with Max really came through when she hit him the head.
El disgusto de Mary con Max se hizo notar cuando ella lo golpeo la cabeza

COME UP (ser mencionado)
(intransitive) to be mentioned
In Max's conversation with Mary, the topic of their wedding never came up.
En la conversación de Max con Mary, el tema de su boda nunca fue mencionado

COME UP (aproximarse)
(intransitive) to approach, draw near
Mary came up and introduced herself.
Mary se acercó y se presentó

COME UP WITH (ocurrir (una idea))
(inseparable) think of
Max came up with a brilliant idea.
A Max se le ocurrió una brillante idea

COME UPON (conocer, encontrar o descubrir por accidente)
(inseparable) to meet or discover by accident
Max came upon a twenty dollar bill while walking down the street.
Max se encontró un billete de veinte dólares mientras caminaba por la calle

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