Sustantivos colectivos en ingles (collective nouns)
Los sustantivos colectivos (collective nouns) o nombres colectivos (Collective Name), se refiere a aquellas palabras en singular que expresan la agrupación de muchos elementos(personas, objetos, animales, etc)
Para entenderlo, veamos algunos ejemplos en español
-Bosque (singular) expresa agrupación de muchos arboles
-Alumnado, significa la agrupación de muchos alumnos, pero sigue siendo singular
-Bandada, agrupación de muchas aves
De igual forma que en el español, en el inglés hay palabras que estando en singular, denotan muchos otros elementos reunidos, aunque muchos de ellos no tienen su equivalente en español, o la palabra que le corresponde, no tiene nada que ver.
En el inglés, los sustantivos colectivos, se usan principalmente en animales, aunque hay algunas que se refieren a personas o cosas, por ejemplo:
(Most of nouns) - Group of…,
Grove, copse, stand, ticket - trees
army - ejército
class - clase
crowd - multitud
majority - mayoría
senate - senado
jury - jurado
company - compañía
board - junta
minority - minoría
committee -comité
With objects :
A fleet of ships (flíit) - Una flota de barcos
A deck of cards (dék) - Un mazo de cartas
A bunch of grapes (bánch) - Un racimo de uvas
A bunch of flowers (bánch) - Un ramo de flores
A pile of books (páil) - Una pila de libros
A lock of hair (lók) - Un mechón de cabellos
A network of computers (nét-uórk) - Una red de computadoras
A convoy of trucks (cónvoi) - Un convoy de camiones
Como dije, los collective nouns, se usan mayormente en animales, veamos la siguiente tabla:
Animal | Collective Names |
Antelope - antilope | Herd-manada |
Ants-hormigas | Army Colony Swarm |
Apes- monos | Shrewdness |
Baboons -babuinos | Flange, Congress, tribe |
bacteria | culture |
Badgers-tejones | Cete, colony |
Bears- oso | Sleuth, sloth |
bears (polar bears) | pack |
Beavers - castores | Colony, lodge |
Bees - abejas | Flight, grist, hive, swarm |
Birds- aves | Congregation, dissimulation, flight, flock |
Bitterns - alcaravanes | Sedge, siege |
Boar - verraco | Herd, singular, sounder |
Bobolinks(un tipo d ave) | chain |
buffalo | herd |
Butterflies- mariposas | Rabble, swarm |
Buzzards - buitres | wake |
Camels - camellos | flock |
Caterpillars - orugas | army |
Cats - gatos | Clowder, clutter, glaring, pounce |
cats (house cats) | Dout, nuisance |
cats (kittens) | Kindle, kindle, litter |
Cattle - ganado | Drove, herd, kine, team |
cattle (two) | yoke |
Chamois - gamuza | herd |
Chickens - pollos | Brood, flock, peep |
Chicks - polluelos | Brood, chattering, clutch |
Chimpanzees | cartload |
chinchillas | herd |
Clams - almejas | bed |
cobras | quiver |
Colts - potros | Rag, rake |
conies | bury |
coots | cover |
cormorants | flight |
coyotes | band |
cranes | Sedge, siege |
crocodiles | Congregation, float |
Crows - cuervos | Storytelling, murder |
Deer - ciervo | Herd, leash, parcel |
deer (roe deer) | bevy |
Dogs -perros | Kennel, pack |
dogs (puppies) | litter |
dolphins | pod |
Donkeys - burros | Drove, herd, pace |
dotterel | trip |
Doves - palomas | Bevy, cote, dole, dule, flight, piteousness |
Dragons | Flight, weyr, wing |
Ducks - patos | Brace, flock, flush, paddling, raft, team |
Eagles - aguilas | Aerie, convocation |
Eels - anguilas | swarm |
elephants | Herd, memory, parade |
Elk - alce | Gang, herd |
emus | mob |
ferrets | Business, cast, fesnying |
finches | charm |
fish | Catch, haul, run, school, shoal |
flies | swarm |
foxes | Lead, leash, skulk |
frogs | Army, knot, colony |
geese | Flock, gaggle |
geese (in flight) | skein |
geese (flying in a 'V') | wedge |
gerbils | horde |
giraffes | Corps, tower, herd |
gnats | Cloud, horde, swarm, herd, implausibility |
goats | Drove, herd, tribe, trip |
goldfinches | charm |
goldfish | glint |
gorillas | band |
goslings | skein |
greyhounds | leash |
grouse | Covey, pack |
gulls | colony |
guinea pigs | group |
hamsters | horde |
hares | Drove, down, husk, leash, trace, trip, warren |
hawks | aerie |
hawks | cast |
hawks | kettle |
hedgehogs | Array, prickle |
hens | brood |
herons | Hedge, siege, sedge |
herrings | shoal |
hippopotami | Crash, herd, bloat |
hogs | Drift, parcel, passel |
hornets | nest |
horses | Harras, herd, stable, team, troop |
| |
hounds | Cry, mute, pack |
hummingbirds | charm |
hyenas | clan |
jays | Band, scold, party |
jellyfish | smack |
kangaroos | Herd, mob, troop |
lapwings | deceit |
larks | Ascension, exaltation |
leopards | Leap, leep, lepe |
lions | pride, sault, sowse, troop |
lizards | lounge |
llamas | herd |
locusts | plague |
magpies | tidings |
mallards | sord |
mares | stud |
martens | richness |
mice | Horde, mischief, nest |
moles | Company, labor, movement |
monkeys | Cartload, tribe, troop, troup |
moose | herd |
mules | Barren, pack, rake, span |
nightingales | watch |
otter | Bevy, romp, raft, family |
owls | parliament |
oxen | Drove, herd, span, team |
oxen (two) | yoke |
oysters | bed |
parrots | company |
partridges | covey |
peacocks | Muster, ostentation |
penguins | Colony, crèche, huddle, parcel, rookery |
pheasants | nest |
pheasants (on the ground) | nide |
pheasants (on the ground) | nye |
pheasants (when flushed) | bouquet |
pigeons | Flight, flock |
pigs | Drove, herd, litter |
pigs (piglets) | farrow |
pigs (wild pigs) | sounder |
pilchards | shoal |
plovers | Congregation, wing |
polecats | chine |
ponies | string |
porpoises | Pod, school |
possum | passel |
prairie dogs | coterie |
quail | Bevy, covey |
rabbits | Bury, colony, down, drove, husk, leash, trace, trip, warren |
rabbits (young) | Nest, wrack |
raccoons | Gaze, nursery |
rats | Colony, horde, mischief, pack, plague, swarm |
rattlesnakes | rhumba |
ravens | Storytelling, unkindness |
rhinocerouses | crash |
rooks | Building, clamor, storytelling |
salmon | Run, school, shoal |
seals | Bob, colony, crash, harem, herd, pod, rookery, spring, team |
shark | School, shiver |
sheep | Down, drove, flock, fold, hurtle, trip |
snakes | Bed, den, nest, pit |
snipes | walk |
snipes | wisp |
sparrows | host |
squirrels | Dray, scurry |
starlings | murmuration |
storks | Muster, mustering |
swallows | flight |
swans | Bevy, herd |
swans (flying in a 'V') | wedge |
swifts | flock |
swine | Drift, sounder |
teals | spring |
tigers | Ambush, streak |
toads | knot |
trout | hover |
turkeys | flock |
turkeys (immature) | brood |
turtles | bale |
vipers | Generation, nest |
vultures | colony |
wallabees | mob |
walruses | Herd, pod |
weasels | Pack, sneak |
whales | Gam, herd, pod, school |
wildfowl | plump |
wolves | Herd, pack, rout, route |
wombats | warren |
woodcocks | fall |
woodpeckers | descent |
yaks | herd |
zebras | Herd, zeal |
nombres de cosas en ingles
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mmm super bueno esta pagina para mi deber jujuuuu XD