Uso de to have

El verbo to have (haber -tener) es uno de los mas importantes el cual puede conjugarse de diversas formas, aquí les traigo unas tablas de sus prinsipales conjugaciones.


INFINITIVO: to have (haber)

GERUNDIO: having (habiendo)

PARTICIPIO: had (habido)



Pretérito indefinido

Pretérito perfecto

(yo he)

(yo hube)

(yo he habido)

I have

I had

have had

you have

you had

you have had

he has

he had

he has had

she has

she had

she has had

we have

we had

we have had

you have

you had

you have had

they have

they had

they have had


Futuro simple

Futuro compuesto

(Yo había tenido)

(yo tendre que)

(yo habré tenido)

I had had

I shall have

I shall have had

You had had

you will have

you will have had

He had had

he will have

he will have had

She had had

she will have

she will have had

We had had

we shall have

we shall have had

You had had

you will have

you will have had

They had had

they will have

they will have had

Condicional simple

Condicional compuesto

(yo habría)

(yo debería haber tenido)

I should have

I should have had

you would have

you would have had

he would have

he would have had

she would have

she would have had

we should have

we should have had

you would have

you would have had

they would have

they would have had

Conjugaciones del verbo have

Can have He can have cleaned it.

(puede haberlo limpiado), posibilidad.

Can’t have He can’t have cleaned it.

(no puede haberlo limpiado), imposibilidad.

Could have He could have cleaned it.

(pudo haberlo limpiado), pero no lo hizo.

Couldn’t have He couldn’t have cleaned it.

(no pudo haberlo limpiado), imposibilidad.

May have He may have cleaned it.

(puede haberlo limpiado), posibilidad.

May not have He may not have cleaned it.

(no puede haberlo limpiado), imposibilidad.

Might have He might have cleaned it.

(podría haberlo limpiado), pero no lo hizo.

Might not have He might not have cleaned it.

(podría no haberlo limpiado), pero lo hizo.

Must have He must have cleaned it.

(debe haberlo limpiado), certeza.

Must not have He mustn’t have cleaned it.

(no debe haberlo limpiado), estoy casi seguro de que no lo hizo.

Should have He should have cleaned it.

(debería haberlo hecho), pero no lo hizo.

Should not have He shouldn’t have cleaned it.

(no debería haberlo hecho), pero lo hizo.

Ought to have y

Ought not to have Se traducen igual que should have y should not have.

Would have He would have cleaned it.

(lo habría hecho), si hubiera tenido la oportunidad.

Would not have He would not have cleaned it.

(no lo habría hecho), si no hubiera tenido la oportunidad.

Needn’t have He needn’t have cleaned it.

(no necesitaba haberlo hecho), pero lo hizo.

3 comentarios:

  1. Muchisimas gracias por esta gran aportación :D

  2. Muy bueno, gracias por compartir estas lecciones.

  3. Esta página es de lo mejorcito que he visto, está muy bien para aprender.

